Who is she? She is empowered, enlightened and enterprising. She exudes energy, enthusiasm and confidence. She has embarked on a journey and created a mission only she can fulfill. She’s a risk taker. She connects. She collaborates. She gives back. The entrepreneurial woman will not be denied. She deserves success and takes pride in her accomplishments. She sets the standard of excellence in all that she does and in all that she is. She endures.
The entrepreneurial woman is unstoppable. She does it all. She creates. She markets. She promotes. She shares resources. She supports other like minded individuals with her ideas, her time, and her talent. It requires courage to be an entrepreneurial woman in today’s marketplace. There’s no fall back. No pay check. No employee benefits. No paid vacations. It’s you, your products and/or services, vying for consumers in an already established economic environment. It’s possessing the fortitude to differentiate yourself from everyone else by finding a unique way to be memorable.
In the early 80’s after completing my 12th year in the teaching profession, I left to pursue my entrepreneurial dream and purchased a franchise. Everyone thought I was crazy. A typical comment was, “How can you give up your career, vacations, benefits, etc to owning a retail business? You’ll have to work year round including weekends!” No one and nothing could persuade me. I was ready. I was determined. I was tired of someone else directing my life. I wanted control even if that meant long hours, hard work and facing the unknown. Twelve years later I owned 6 franchises and became the Regional Director with responsibility to oversee 22 other stores.
I look back on those years with huge satisfaction. I went from school teacher to entrepreneur. I went from a single pay check to multiple streams of income. I proved to myself and those who doubted my determination that I could meet the challenges and survive. I know firsthand what it takes to break away and go out on your own. I know the amount of faith it requires. I also know the rewards that come from doing what you really want to do even if it means following unfamiliar roads to travel an uncertain journey.
The entrepreneurial woman in the marketplace is doing better than surviving. She’s thriving. She’s unique. She’s a gift. She’s a person who endures. It serves us all when we pay attention and support the entrepreneurial woman economically. She takes her tasks seriously, often under promises and over delivers and shows us what is possible by her example. If you are an entrepreneurial woman, congratulations! If you are considering “stepping out on your own”, go for it! I for one am eager to support you, your talent and ideas. I believe others will, too.
That is certainly inspirational commentary. I love the description, “Who Is She?”, I will refer back to it as needed. 😀 I really like the final notes with the roster. I like the mission of Xperience Connections and one day I may become a leader!
I’m a retired educator of 30+ years and I’m still connected as a substitute teacher. Today, being an entrepreneur is the answer to my “What’s Next?” I’m enjoying Damsel In Defense! Equipping, Empowering and Educating Women to protect themselves and their families.
Bonnie, you are “The Glamorous Bonnie Ross-Parker!” Are you related to Cher?🤔 I enjoyed your XC event last evening as I have enjoyed the two other XC meetings I have attended in other areas. I’m looking forward to building relationships, doing business with attendees as well as sharing participants’ businesses with family and friends. Of course, I want to propel my business forward to what I deem successful. I’m claiming UNSTOPPABLE and hopeful that XC networking participants will partner in support of those efforts. Personal Safety is My Business! Ladies, Protect Yourself! Acquire my products. 😉
What you offer is incredibly valuable. Am happy you found Xperience Connections and will significantly engage in remaining connected to the women you are meeting. They need what you offer and you are the catalyst for safety and self-confidence. Hugs to you, Belinda and thanks for your loving comments. I appreciate you.
Thank you Bonnie for having the energy, ambition and vision to create the group that is now known as Xperienced Connections!! While I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit, I have never thought of myself as a sales person and never would have imagined stepping out for the business venture I am currently in. When I first learned about Xperienced Connections I was thrilled to find a community of women that are interested in building relationships to help encourage and support other women in their business endeavors! I have enjoyed all the women I have met to date and look forward to many more years to come!!
Your commitment to health/wellness is huge and women everywhere need your message(s). Thanks for your involvement as an XC Leader AND for your enthusiasm for what we represent. I wish you the best always and in all ways. You R an entrepreneur and a VERY committed business woman. Hooray for U!
You inspire us all, Bonnie. Thanks for using your entrepreneurial skills and connections to help the rest of move forward on our journeys. See you at the next meeting!
I appreciate you took the time to comment. As a successful entrepreneur yourself, there is no doubt that like me, you’ve had the ups and downs of building a career and all I can say is, “Look at Alexis now”! C U soon, my Friend.
You are a treasure and an inspiration. Your wisdom comes from your belief system and determination. Those who know you understand this entrepreneurial spirit and faith have carried you through every obstacle with grace and dignity. Thank you for a new way to share your knowledge and passion.
I really appreciate knowing that what I share can resonate with my reader(s). Thanks, Jane for reminding me and encouraging me to keep on keeping on. I love writing and when my ideas/thoughts/words are ‘validated’ it really makes the time and effort worth all. Be well!
Bravo!! Very inspirational. I am no longer in the workforce, and was not an entrepreneur, but was determined to better myself. I got into insurance and the life and disability underwriting department as a speed underwriter. Wanted more, but had a boss tell me I would never make it to underwriting because I had no degree. That made me mad and I went back to school, and retired from that company as an Assistant Underwriting Director. Other companies hired me as a consultant and I made double the money. Never doubt yourself or let other people tear you down. You are so inspirational Bonnie. Keep it up.
I have to say it, over and over again, how much I appreciate YOU and your ongoing responses (my daily New Thought FB entries) Thanks for sharing your experience with me and others. As business women, regardless of where we lend our time and talents, we know FIRST HAND our value as individuals and in the workplace! Thrilled we are Conard High (’62) kindred spirits. Thanks Elaine for staying in touch AND for your tireless efforts to produce POW WOW for alumni! All the best!
Thank you Bonnie for all you do for women!! You are a great friend and mentor and I love you dearly!
Having you as my Friend, my online Mentor, XC Sister/Leader AND now my web master extra-ordinaire are all reasons to ‘love you back’! How fortune for me that I have you. How fortune for all of us that we have each other and continue to support business women/entrepreneurs – all women who bring their passion, talents, energy and time to serve. Lucky us!