It’s never my intention to use this platform to express viewpoints other than my own. With this particular blog post, however, I felt compelled to share thoughts we might all consider to create a more loving world.
In the spiritual realm, there is no limitation. There is no lack. There is no scarcity. In the spiritual world, there is abundance. There is plenty. There is sufficiency. When we believe it is possible to experience heaven on Earth, we commit to being a living demonstration of the spiritual realm. We make a commitment to choose words and actions that reflect our spiritual beliefs.
It is time to turn away from false beliefs and the behaviors that support them. It is time to turn away from inequalities in pay based on gender, disparities in health outcomes based on race, threats to start wars based on religious beliefs, exclusion from civil rights based on caste or heritage.
In Science of Mind (publication) when we say we turn away from untruth, we must name a replacement belief or action. When we make a denial that one thing has power, we immediately state and affirm the principle or belief that represents the absolute power.
I, therefore, invite you to turn away from unhealthy competition and replace it with harmony. Turn away from judgment and replace it with wisdom. Turn away from discrimination and replace it with freedom. Turn away from hatred and replace it with love. Turn away from confusion and replace it with discernment. Turn away from greed and replace it with generosity.
Each of us can, through our individual spiritual practice, align our consciousness with the goodness of life. Each one of us affects the experience for all humanity. Let us affirm: We are here for each other. I am a member of the team of life.” Tracy Brown, author/lecturer with Intentional Inclusion, Inc