Dealing with the pain one associates with death and illness has strengthened my capacity to feel the heartbreak of others. The emotions that result from life’s devastating circumstances often take years to heal and for some individuals, one might never reach acceptance and peace. In my world, witnessing the suffering of others physically affects me. Whether a difficult situation is with someone I know personally, a story in the news or even a Facebook post, I almost immediately absorb the suffering and feel tears of compassion.
There is a part of me that doesn’t want to be immune to life’s uncertainty. Life offers no guarantees. Disease and illness are real. Suffering is real. Death is real. My capacity to heal has taken me years. This same journey has also given me the gift of caring deeply. I understand pain. I also think that until someone, anyone experiences huge loss, it’s challenging to feel unconditional compassion for what another individual is enduring.
As I write this blog, we are going through trying times. There already exists abundant suffering, agonizing loss and unthinkable circumstances. My heart hurts. Hard as I try to clear my mind and bring my body peace, I am constantly aware of being surrounded by out of control developments. I can’t even image the level of pain that is happening in all corners of the world. The numbers are staggering, the ripple effect overwhelming and it’s hard to envision when light will overcome the darkness that has invaded our lives.
More than ever before and during my lifetime, there is an ever present, all encompassing need for compassion, for caring and healing. While as you read this (and I hope it is the case), you might not personally be affected by the suffering of family or loved ones, I’d like to think that you, too, are experiencing a heavy heart. No matter how privileged or safe we are, all of us are bearing witness to the unthinkable, to overwhelming fear and to devastation. Let’s all, every one of us, exhibit compassion, care and pray for peace for all humanity. May our collective voices speak hope. May our collective voices offer resilience. May we know that we can each make a difference with simple gestures of kindness and concern. May you remain out of harm’s way.
We carry each other burdens; cry when they cry; laugh when they laugh. Your lessons from life always touch my heart and remind me that I can be more compassionate toward life. Thank you for your friendship. You are a great inspiration, Bonnie.
I know your heart and totally recognize the long standing relationship we have! Always appreciate you, Janice. Be well and hugs to you and Frank.
Good words, Bonnie … as always. Compassion and caring are such a part of who you are. You are a blessing in my life and I know few people who care as deeply as you do … you also care enough … and have the courage … to confront when appropriate. Always in love.
Good words, Bonnie … as always. Compassion and caring are such a part of who you are. You are a blessing in my life and I know few people who care as deeply as you do … you also care enough … and have the courage … to confront when appropriate. Always in love.
Thank you…Pat…I will always care about you and Marvin…We are connected in a very special way! This Bonnie loves you!